Post by ***@gmail.comCan anyone help me for..How to use mutt on windows 8?
Install a *nix environment that allows you to use *nix software. Cygwin
comes to mind, but there are at least one or two others.
You've got a learning curve ahead of you - you're going to have to come
to grips with a new working environment. If you know Linux/Unix
already, then an easy way to use mutt from any OS is to get yourself a
VPS and install it there. Then use PuTTY on Windows to access the VPS.
Kind of like having your own shell account somewhere. If installing a
VPS is too much for you, you could just get yourself a shell account at
a place like Panix and use mutt there, letting /them/ worry about all
the other details intrinsic to managing a *nix OS.