Post by Jeremy KnirrPost by Ian ZimmermanAnyway, it has little to do with mutt ...
It has just a little to do with it, I'm wondering if this option (the
way I'm going to receive notifications) is possible to change
directly, without leaving mutt and opening a browser.
In the special case of googlegroups, you may be out of luck here (but I
don't know for sure; there _may_ be another special address, like the
subscribe address, to which you can send commands). Anyway, you only
have to do it once (I guess once per group).
Post by Jeremy KnirrPosting by email is not allowed, to post to this group visit!forum/comp.mail.mutt
That's because this is a Usenet newsgroup, not a mailing list. To
interact with it properly (that is, in a way that bypasses Google), you
need an account on a news server. There is a popular free one here:
Once you set that up, you can (if you're so inclined) tweak your email
system, including mutt, to post to this type of group when replying to
some messages. This is what I do, but it may not be for the faint of
There are other free (and Google-free) programs, in many ways similar to
mutt, which understand Usenet groups directly. One of them is slrn.
All this said, the mutt-users mailing list is much more active than this
group, and may be a better place for your questions. Read about
subscribing here:
Please *no* private copies of mailing list or newsgroup messages.
Rule 420: All persons more than eight miles high to leave the court.